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She Will Forever Be Missed

Mildred Allen

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Born in Nebraska


    When Mildred A Gillotte was born on August 3, 1929, in Nebraska, her father, Joseph, was 32, and her mother, Clara, was 30. Mildred never knew her mother having lost her when she was three years old. She had a somewhat troubled childhood due to this tragic loss of her mother Clara.


She married Leslie Lenard Allen on November 11, 1947. They had two children during their marriage of over 74 years, Larry and Robert. Mildred, Millie to those who know her, was a dedicated wife to her husband, and kept the boys clean and fed. Her husband, Les Allen and her lived in San Jose California for most of their lives. Les owned a successful drywall business and they lived a modestly comfortable life in the bay area through the early 1990's.


   After Les retired, he moved himself and Millie to Oregon to get away from the rapidly expanding metropolitan area of Silicon Valley. Their life in Oregon was quiet and peaceful. Her biggest problem was the darn deer eating her prized flowers and garden vegetables like the tomatoes she used to make her Marinara Sauce and Meatballs featured in the news articles seen to the right. She passed away peacefully in her sleep on June 18, 2021, in Grants Pass, Oregon, at the age of 91.



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